
Guest lecture by Bernard Malissen | Unveiling the molecular basis of T cell malfunctions and disorders using quantitative interactomics

Medical priority Immunotherapy
Auditorium Sanquin
Plesmanlaan 125
1066 CX Amsterdam
The Netherlands

On 3 September 2024 in collaboration with the Amsterdam institute for Infection and Immunity Bernard Malissen PhD will give a guest lecture on “Unveiling the molecular basis of T cell malfunctions and disorders using quantitative interactomics” at Sanquin, Amsterdam.

Host: Derk Amsen

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Interactions of the T cell receptor (TCR) with peptide loaded MHC underlie T cell function and are critical for control of cancer and infectious disease. Bernard Malissen pioneered gene transfer approaches to dissect the function of the TCR and MHC and elucidated the atomic structure of TCR with peptide-MHC ligand, providing crucial insights into TCR cross-reactivity and alloreactivity. His teams presently combine high-throughput “omic” approaches and mouse genetics to make sense of the formidable complexity of the signal transduction networks involved in T cell activation under physiological and pathological conditions.