Academic affiliations
Our researchers collaborate with research groups from all over the world. In the Netherlands we have a number of official collaborations with universities. Some are dating back to the middle of the last century.
Joint AMC – Sanquin Landsteiner Laboratory
Historically there is a strong collaboration with the Amsterdam UMC, location (AMC of the University of Amsterdam. The joint AMC – Sanquin Landsteiner Laboratory is mainly housed within Sanquin premises. Through this collaboration Sanquin staff members participate in research programs and curricula of the AMC. Researchers of Sanquin contribute to the research programs of Amsterdam Institute for Infection and Immunity focusing on immunology, (immuno)hematology, and blood-borne infections as well as the Cancer Center Amsterdam, focusing on immunotherapy.
Joint Sanquin – Utrecht University Van Creveld Laboratory
Together with the Dept of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Utrecht University Faculty of Science our dept of Plasma Proteins collaborates in the Van Creveld Laboratory, focusing on basic and translational research on coagulation disorders.
Rembrandt Institute for Cardiovascular Sciences
The Rembrandt Institute for Cardiovascular Sciences is a collaboration of various research departments of the Leiden University Medical Centre, the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research, and Amsterdam University Medical Center (both AMC and VUmc locations), the Science Faculty of the University of Amsterdam, and Sanquin, focussing on cardiovascular research, from basic to clinical studies. The Rembrandt Institute was founded in 2011.
Oncode Institue
Sanquin is participating in Oncode. "Oncode is an independent institute dedicated to understanding cancer and translating research into practice more efficiently. Oncode, starting from a deeper understanding of the basics of cancer, works to come up with better treatments and improved diagnostics. This will take time. Only a coordinated and sustained effort will bring us closer to our goal: helping more patients survive, improving the quality of life for those afflicted, and ultimately curing cancer."