PhD Programs
Sanquin offers postgraduate academics the opportunity to become an independent researcher.
As a PhD student you are working for four years on your own research project in the field of blood (cells and plasma proteins), transfusion research, or donor studies. Your research will be completed with a PhD thesis and its defense. During your research you are working in an inspiring and acknowledged research environment, and you will be supervised by an experienced research team. During your research, attention will be paid to the development of specialist and practical skills.
Research at an international level
Researchers at Sanquin perform research at an international level in fields related to blood transfusion research, often in cooperation with academic medical centers. Basic, translational, clinical and applied research is carried out by our research groups in the field of:
- blood cells
- plasma proteins
- blood coagulation
- hematological disorders
- immunological disorders
- blood-borne infections
We also perform social scientific research regarding our blood donors.
Supervision and education
The PhD student will be supervised by an experienced research team. Each PhD student will have regular (weekly) meetings with the supervisor, a researcher with degree (post-doc). In addition, a committee will be established, consisting of two staff members outside the department, who will monitor the progress of the research on a yearly base.
The PhD student period is one of continued education. A number of specialist and practical courses are made available to the PhD student, amongst others, by several Graduate Schools. Congress attendance is also part of the training.
A number of our young investigators started The Young Investigators Board or ‘DJOB’. This initiative initiates interaction and discussion between young investigators of the different research departments of Sanquin. In addition, the DJOB forms a platform for communication between the management of the research division and the young investigators.
Profile of our PhD students
PhD students at Sanquin are in general post graduate academics with a master degree in biomedical or health sciences, (medical) biology, pharmacy, chemistry or medical science. Also other natural sciences can form a good base for PhD students. We usually have a few positions for scientists in psychology or other social studies/humanities.
Want to apply for a job as PhD student? Visit our vacancies pages to see te most recent PhD positions: Working at Sanquin.