Sanquin Diagnostic Services provides services in the form of laboratory tests for medical institutes, blood banks, insurance and pharmaceutical companies and contract research organizations.
Over 600 different tests are routinely performed, while other tests are developed and provided on an as-need basis. Our diagnostic tests include those for:
- Non-invasive fetal blood group genotyping
- Biologics & immunogenicity (now available using finger prick sampling as well).
- Autoimmune diseases
- Viral infections
- Blood coagulation and thrombosis
- Identification of abnormalities in blood cells and serum proteins
- Determination of blood group, tissue antigens and genetic markers of serum proteins
- Treatment with blood products and their consequences
- Identification of genetic markers for transfusion therapy, immunization during pregnancy, bone marrow transplantation.
Diagnostic Services works according to the highest levels of quality with dedicated professionals and scientific support.
Our supporting services, qualified data management, customer support and dedicated logistics guarantee fast and reliable service at competitive pricing.

+31 20 512 3479
08:30-17:00 h (after 17:00 h: T +31 20 512 3254)
[email protected]