Sanquin PhD award for Katka Szilagyi
At the internal Sanquin Science Day on 25 November 2016, Katka Szilagyi - now working as a post doc at the Phagocyte Lab - received the Sanquin PhD award for her presentation, entitled 'Immune check-points in atherosclerosis: role Of SIRPa on B1 cells'.
Dr Szilagyi received the most votes of the audience after three PhD award nominees presented their research. The other nominees were Roel Gazendam and Jeffrey Kroon. Director of Research René van Lier presented her the certificate and an amount of money, to be used for science related expenses towards her own development.
Katka Szilagyi
Dr Szilagyi defended her thesis ‘Role of Inflammation in Development of Atherosclerosis’ at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in February 2016.