Award Dian Winkelhorst for study to improve prenatal care
NewsResearcher Dian Winkelhorst (Sanquin Research, Experimental Immnuhematology and Leiden University Medical Centre), recieved the De Snoo - van 't Hoogerhuijs Award for her studies to improve prenatal care. The HIP (HPA-screening In Pregnancy) study started on 1 March 2017.
Dian will collect data among 100,000 pregnant women to assess whether early detection and possible prevention of the disease FNAIT (Fetal/Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia) - a rare condition in newborn babies, is feasable. The aim of the study is to find out more about FNAIT, so prenatal testing can be improved. All pregnant women who are Rhesus D and Rhesus c negative are allowed to participate in the HIP study after informed consent. The regular 27-week sample is taken and - for women included in the study - tested for Rh antibodies as well as antibodies against platelets.