Clinical studies at Sanquin
Between 2011 and 2022, the patient-oriented research of Sanquin Blood Supply was organized from the joint Sanquin - Leiden University Medical Center Jon J van Rood Center for Clinical Transfusion Research.
The mission of the Van Rood Center was to produce and distribute the best quality knowledge on the practice of transfusion medicine and by doing so to optimize the care for the individual patient that needs blood products or cell therapy.
Three lines of research were distinguished:
- Bleeding & anemia: encompassing prevention, treatment and prediction of bleeding and anemia in various clinical situations, among others obstetric hemorrhage, cardiothoracic surgery, orthopedic surgery, hemato-oncology, critically ill patients and neonates; with special emphasis on the optimization of transfusion treatment strategies according to individual patient profiles;
- Clinical cellular therapy: including efficacy and safety of emerging cellular therapies;
- Side effect of transfusion: including red cell alloimmunisation, transfusion related acute lung injury, allergic reactions and storage effects.
In 2022, following a reorganization of Sanquin Research the Van Rood ter closed its doors. Clinical studies in the field of transfusion medicine will continue in close collaboration with medical specialist in academic and general hospitals.
Scientific Integrity Program
The CCTR Scientific Integrity Program’s has been in place for several years. It's primary goal was quality, integrity and reproducibility of all departmental scientific output. More information on the integrity program may be found here.
Clinical studies (alphabetical order)
For information on a clinical study please contact the principal investigator of the studies listed below or Sanquin Research.
- ABLE, Age of Blood Evaluation
- ATTACH, Analysis of Thrombocyte Transfusion in Cardiothoracic surgery and Hematology
- Bite Study, Bleeding In Thrombocytopenia Explained
- BloodMatch, The balance between patients’ need and supply of matched red cells.
- DRAIHA Study, Databank and Registry for AutoImmune Hemolytic Anemia
- DTD, Dutch Transfusion Data Warehouse (formerly PROTON II)
- EPO Rh4 Study
- FIBER, Fibrin Induced Blood Exposure Reduction
- First, use of Fibrin Sealant in total knee replacement surgery trial
- FROSTED, FResh frozen plasma, Omniplasma & SDP comparison of Transfusion reactions, Efficacy & DVT study
- INFLAME, INFLAMmatory Injury of the Lung after Cardiac SurgEry
- INOX-ICU, INsufficient OXygen supply in ICU patients
- INOX-ICU 2, Insufficient Oxygen Supply in ICU patients II
- LISBOA, Leiden Implementation Study of Blood management in hip and knee Arthroplasties
- LOTUS, LOng Term follow-Up after intra-uterine transfusionS
- Match, Preventive extended red blood cell antigen MATCHing: when and how
- MATER, Mortality After Transfusion of Ever-pregnant donor Red blood cells
- MATISSE, MAnaging Trombocyte transfusion In a Special Subgroup: nEonates
- MONET, Monitoring Outcome in NEonatal Thrombocytopenia
- OPTIMAL, Optimize Transfusion Support in Hematological Malignancies
- PREPAReS, Pathogen Reduction Evaluation & Predictive Analytical Rating Score
- R-FACT, Risk factors for alloimmunization after red blood cell transfusions
- Sex-mismatch, Sex-mismatched transfusions and recipient mortality
- TeMpOH, Transfusion strategies in women during Major Obstetric Hemorrhage
- TeMpOH2, Transfusion strategies in women during Major Obstetric Hemorrhage
- TOMaat, Transfusie Op Maat ( allogeneic red blood cell sparing alternatives)
- WOMB, Transfusion requirements after postpartum hemorrhage