Newsletter November 2015
Haemoglobin trajectories
November 2015 - Can different haemoglobin trajectories be distinguished in blood donors? Blood donors are prone to iron deficiency, as blood donation implies a loss of iron. In donors with sufficient iron stores this may not be problematic, however repeated donations could deplete iron stores and lead to anemia. Distinguishing between donors with different haemoglobin trajectories after repeated blood donations may help to select donors and tailor their donation intervals to prevent anemia.
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DIS-III: data collection started!
November 2015 - Data collection for Donor InSight: genetic variation (DIS-III), has started! This follow-up of DIS aims at gaining insight into genetic factors associated with declining versus stable haemoglobin levels and into the health effects of iron deficiency in blood donors.
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Meet Tiffany Timmer
November 2015 - Tiffany Timmer studied Health Sciences and joined the team in September 2014. As a PhD student she is responsible for the execution of DIS-III. Her focus will be on genetic variation in haemoglobin levels after frequent blood donation.
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Meet Rosa de Groot
November 2015 - Rosa de Groot just started her PhD on the influence of environmental factors and donor lifestyle on blood quality parameters. She joined the DIS team in 2015 and will be responsible for an extra measurement of physical activity using accelerometers in a subset of the DIS-III participants.
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