Henk (H.) Schonewille PhD
Medical chemical technician, Transfusion Medicine
‘Red blood cell alloimmunization after blood transfusion’
Promotor: Prof A Brand
16 January 2008 - University of Leiden
Research interests
Red blood cell (RBC) alloimmunization is a frequent complication of blood transfusions and can hamper optimal transfusion support. The aim of the research-line is to identify relevant factors which may help to predict which recipients will become (multi-)immunized after RBC transfusion and for whom extended matching between donor and patient is cost-effective. Our studies focus on the epidemiology of alloimmunization, the relation with antigens on other blood cells and genetic factors involved in the immune response.
- Clinical studies
- Serology
2014-present | Post-doc fellow Dept of Experimental Immunohematology, Sanquin Research |
2008-2014 | PhD Medicine (University of Leiden) |
2008 | Researcher at the Dept of Transfusion Medicine, Sanquin Research, Leiden |