
Theses 2018

Within Sanquin around 75 PhD students are working on a thesis. In most cases Sanquin Researchers that hold a professorship at one of the Dutch universities act as supervisor/promotor.

Most PhD students follow courses at those universities, as part of their research training. Sanquin researchers also contribute to these courses. Each year, around 15 PhD theses are defended.


PhD student Date Title University
Eva Stokhuijzen 28 November 2018 Hemostasis - Factors That Matter University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Richard Pouw 27 November 2018 Setting the scale: The balance between complement factor H and its related proteins in health and disease University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Anno Saris 21 November 2018 Alloimmunization after platelet transfusion: mechanisms, prevention and treatment University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Science)
Bart van den Eshof 14 November 2018 PARadigms of vascular signaling Utrecht University (Faculty of Science)
Kat Moore 26 October 2018 The Spiders at the Center of the Web: Csde1 and Strap control translation in erythropoiesis University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Aukje Kreuger 13 September 2018 Platelet transfusion in hematology; improving the chain Leiden University (Faculty of Medicine)
Nicholas Saadah 11 September 2018 Hemovigilance, heterogeneity, and hyperfibrinolysis Leiden University (Faculty of Medicine)
Nahuel Paolini 21 June 2018 Control of mRNA translation in erythroid cells University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Maaike Scheenstra 20 June 2018 Studies on Gata1 en PU.1 in dendritic cells. Mice are not human University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Lilian Schimmel 15 June 2018 Filling the gaps; The endothelium in regulating vascular leakage and leukocyte extravasation University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Science)
Esther Heideveld 25 May 2018 'The role of macrophages in human erythropoiesis' University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Mischa Keizer

18 May 2018 16:00

'Complement activation defects in pediatric oncology patients: hidden factors contributing to the increased risk of infection' University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Michel Smeets 17 May 2018 'Erythrocytes and von Willebrand factor in venous thrombosis' University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Science)
Anouk Zaal 22 February 2018
'C5aR and TLR Crosstalk: Regulatory effect of anaphylatoxin C5a on human dendritic cells' University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Science)
Fiamma Salerno 2 February 2018
'Walking the wire: Post-transcriptional regulation of T cell effector functions in health and disease' University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Koen Kramer 16 January 2018
'How safe should donor blood be' University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)

External thesis

Theses from non-Sanquin researchers where Sanquin researchers act as (co)promotor

Wiebe Verra: Prognostics of Outcome of Total Knee Replacement on Patient Selection and Intraoperative Issues
4 juli 2018 Leiden University
Promotor: Prof  RGHH Nelissen MD PhD
Copromotor:  JA van Hilten PhD