Management of Transfusion Medicine
The Management of Transfusion Medicine (MTM) programme is a result of the WHO initiative to improve blood supply organizations around the world. It is a unique, sponsored programme for current and potential leaders of blood banks in medium and low income countries. The focus of the programme is aimed towards the individual development and personal growth of professionals from the blood services field, so they can make a difference in their home countries, once they have earned their certificate.
MTM students receive the opportunity to choose their own research subjecs and are offered a tailor-made traineeship which consists of two 6-8 weeks internships in the Netherlands.
The first year of the programme is based on the concept of distance E-learning. Students follow a total of 8 online courses from their home country. The second year revolves around the two traineeships, alternated with a period of assignments and data collection in the student's home countries.
The MTM programme was set up in 2001, by the Academic Institute IDTM (International Development of Transfusion Medicine) and is embedded in the University of Groningen (Graduate School of Medical Sciences), University Medical Center Groningen and Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation.
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