Hemoglobinopathies NGS panel
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Targeted sequencing with the Ion Torrent System is able to identify single nucleotide variants, small insertions and small deletions. Variants in repeat sequences, large homopolymers and large insertions/deletions are not or difficult to identify.
The RBC Hemoglobinopathie AmpliSeq Panel (IAD127644_241) exist of 141 primer pairs, which amplify 151 different amplicons. Five primer pairs were designed based on HBA1 gene coordinates and are also 100% specific for the HBA2 gene and five primer pairs were designed based on HBG1 gene coordinates and are also 100% specific for the HBG2 gene. The panel design is covering 35.28 Kbase, and includes almost all coding regions (exons), flanking intronic regions, untranslated regions and known promotor regions of the genes of interest as depicted in Table 1. Also genomic regions that are involved in the expression of the globins and in fetal γ- to adult β-globin switching, are included in the design, as listed in Table 1.
Table 1: List of genes and genomic regions and the coverage of these regions
Genes |
Chromosome |
NCBI Transcript |
Exons |
Coverage |
Coverage 5' of initiation site (flanking sequence and 5'UTR) |
Amplicons |
HBA1 |
chr16 |
NM_000558.4 |
3 |
100% |
134 bases before initation site (incl. promotor) |
5 |
HBA2 |
chr16 |
NM_000517.4 |
3 |
100% |
134 bases before initation site (incl. promotor) |
6 |
chr11 |
NM_000518.4 |
3 |
100% |
242 bases before initation site (incl. promotor) |
10 |
chr11 |
NM_000519.3 |
3 |
100% |
174 bases before initation site (incl. promotor) |
7 |
HBG1 |
chr11 |
NM_000559.2 |
3 |
100% |
458 bases before initation site (incl. promotor) |
5 |
HBG2 |
chr11 |
NM_000184.2 |
3 |
100% |
461 bases before initation site (incl. promotor) |
5 |
BCL11A |
chr2 |
NM_022893 |
4 |
100% |
440 bases before initation site |
20 |
KLF1 |
chr19 |
NM_006563.3 |
3 |
100% |
202 bases before initation site |
8 |
chrX |
NM_002049 |
5 |
100% |
250 bases before initation site |
11 |
chr19 |
NM_018154 |
4 |
100% |
125 bases before initation site |
4 |
E2F2 |
chr1 |
NM_004091 |
7 |
100% |
18 bases before initation site |
7 |
E2F4 |
chr16 |
NM_001950 |
10 |
100% |
215 bases before initation site |
11 |
chr6 |
NM_001130173.1 |
16 |
100% |
128 bases before initation site |
18 |
chr19 |
NM_015898 |
2 |
98,25% |
94 bases before initation site |
9 |
Regions |
Chromosome |
GRCh37/hg19 coordinates |
Regions |
Coverage |
Amplicons |
α-MRE HS-40 |
chr16 |
163462 - 163792 |
1 |
100% |
4 |
LCRB-3'HS1 |
chr11 |
5226054 - 5226417 |
1 |
100% |
3 |
chr11 |
5297694 - 5297904 |
1 |
100% |
1 |
chr11 |
5302012 - 5302212 |
1 |
100% |
1 |
chr11 |
5305937 - 5306117 |
1 |
100% |
1 |
chr11 |
5309551 - 5309744 |
1 |
100% |
1 |
chr11 |
5312524 - 5312732 |
1 |
100% |
1 |
LCRB-HS111 |
chr11 |
5402250 - 5401770 |
1 |
100% |
4 |
BCL11A erythroid enhancer 1 |
chr2 |
60718035 - 60718305 |
1 |
100% |
2 |
BCL11A erythroid enhancer 2 |
chr2 |
60722235 - 60722535 |
1 |
100% |
3 |
BCL11A erythroid enhancer 3 |
chr2 |
60725235 - 60725735 |
1 |
99,80% |
3 |
chr6 |
135431600 - 135431680 |
1 |
97,50% |
1 |
For ZBTB7A gene, 31 bases are missed in exon 1 and 2, divided over 4 different amplicons. Also 2 bases and 1 bases of the regions MYB- HBS1L and BCL11A-enhancer3 are missed in the design. There are no disease causing variants published in these missing areas as there are no consequences reported for copy number variants (HGMD version 2017.2). See Table 2.
Table 2: The panel design does not cover the following bases
Genes |
Coverage |
Number Missing Bases |
GRCh37/hg19 coordinates |
Description |
Missing HGMD-DM variants |
5 |
4047887 - 4047892 |
central in exon 2 |
non |
98,25% |
12 |
4054253 - 4054265 |
central in exon 1 |
non |
5 |
4054744 - 4054749 |
central in exon 1 |
non |
9 |
4055044 - 4055053 |
central in exon 1 |
non |
BCL11A erythroid enhancer 3 |
99,80% |
1 |
60725379 - 60725380 |
1 base missing in central area enhancer 3 |
non |
97,50% |
2 |
135431678 - 135431680 |
2 bases missing at 3'site |
non |
In Table 3 is listed the published disease causing variants HGMD version 2017.2) which are not covered in the designed panel. Including these regions in the design failed caused by high sequence homology between HBB and HBD gene.
Table 3: List of missed HGMD disease causing variants in the designed Hb panel
Gene |
Chromosome |
GRCh37/hg19 |
HGMD ref. |
Variant class |
Phenotype |
chr11 |
5248052 |
CS001426 |
c.93-23T>C |
DM |
Thalassaemia beta |
chr11 |
5248050 |
CS810003 |
c.93-21G>A |
DM |
Thalassaemia beta |
chr11 |
5255567 |
CS109514 |
c.92+5G>T |
DM |
Thalassaemia delta |
For accepting a sequence run with the Hemoglobinopathie AmpliSeq panel, the %Base20x of all amplicons must be at least 99.2%. With this acceptance criteria, the first 60 bases of exon 1 and the complete 5’UTR of the HBA2 gene will be less covered than 20 times per base. This may result in low coverage for 35 DM and 3 DM? variants located in this region (see Table 4a&b). Also small regions in HBG1, GATA1 and BCL11A have a low coverage, but without missing published DM variants, as listed in Table 4a.
Preferably, a %Base20x coverage of at least 99.7% must be reached to insure that also exon 1 of gene HBA2 is completely covered. Under these condition, ≥99.7% coverage, only 3DM and 1DM? variant located in the 5’UTR region will have a low coverage.
Table 4: Failed amplicons and their missing published mutations at %Base20x coverage of 99.2%
Gene |
Amplicon |
%Base20x amplicon |
Locations with base coverage below 20x |
missing HGMD |
chromosomal coordinates |
description |
HBA2 |
ES7.HBA21_1 |
12% |
chr16: 222775 - 222971 |
missing first 60 bases of exon 1 and complete UTR (65 bases) |
35 DM and 3 DM? |
HBG1 |
AMPL7160773269 |
46% |
chr11: 5270577 - 5270689 |
missing last 100 bases of exon 2 and 12 bases of intron 2 |
none |
AMPL7164888082 |
22% |
chrX: 48649168 - 48649403 |
missing 235 bases of intron 1, located 94 bases before UTR of exon2 |
none |
BCL11A |
ES7.BCL11A_14 |
50% |
chr2: 60689648 - 60689749 |
missing 100 bases of intron 3, located 87 bases before start exon 4 |
none |
Table 5: HGMD DM and DM? variants of gene HBA2 missed at %Base20x coverage of 99.2% and 99.7%
Coverage <20x |
GRCh37/hg19 |
HGMD Ref |
Variant class |
Phenotype |
Reference |
%Base20x |
99.2% / 99.7% |
chr11:222821 |
CR140643 |
g.222821G>A |
DM? |
Microcytosis |
Qadah (2014) Pathology 46:46 |
99.2% / 99.7% |
chr11:222853 |
CR140642 |
g.222853C>T |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Qadah (2014) Pathology 46:46 |
99.2% / 99.7% |
chr11:222889 |
CR1310302 |
g.222889C>G |
DM |
Thalassaemia alpha |
Yao (2013) Gene 532:120 |
99.2% / 99.7% |
chr11:222891 |
CR042845 |
g.222891C>G |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Lacerra (2004) Hum Mutat 24:338 |
99.20% |
chr11:222910 |
CD032743 |
c.-3_-2delAC |
DM |
Thalassaemia alpha |
Morle (1985) EMBO J 4:1245 |
99.20% |
chr11:222910 |
CR051278 |
g.222910C>T |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Sarkar (2005) Br J Haematol 129:282 |
99.20% |
chr11:222912 |
CM870032 |
c.1A>G |
DM |
Haemoglobin H disease |
Olivieri (1987) Blood 70:729 |
99.20% |
chr11:222912 |
CD066365 |
c.1delA |
DM |
Thalassaemia alpha |
Eng (2006) Hemoglobin 30:149 |
99.20% |
chr11:222913 |
CM840002 |
c.2T>C |
DM |
Thalassaemia alpha |
Piratsu (1984) J Biol Chem 259:12315 |
99.20% |
chr11:222913 |
CM076227 |
c.2T>G |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Hadavi (2007) Haematologica 92:992 |
99.20% |
chr11:222913 |
CD973333 |
c.2delT |
DM |
Haemoglobin H disease |
Waye (1997) Hemoglobin 21:469 |
99.20% |
chr11:222914 |
CM1511050 |
c.3G>T |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
de la Fuente-Gonzalo (2015) Clin Chem Lab Med epub |
99.20% |
chr11:222915 |
CM140705 |
c.4G>C |
DM |
Thalassaemia alpha |
van Zwieten (2014) Hemoglobin 38:1 |
99.20% |
chr11:222915 |
CM1412328 |
c.4G>A |
DM? |
Thalassaemia alpha |
Alizadeh (2014) Clin Lab 60:941 |
99.20% |
chr11:222916 |
CM021274 |
c.5T>C |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Lancan (2002) Am J Hematol 69:214 |
99.20% |
chr11:222933 |
CM131529 |
c.22A>T |
DM |
Thalassaemia alpha |
Bayat (2013) Hemoglobin 37:148 |
99.20% |
chr11:222933 |
CM058058 |
c.22A>G |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Ngiwsara (2005) Hemoglobin 29:155 |
99.20% |
chr11:222935 |
CM024472 |
c.24G>C |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Wajcman (1994) Hemoglobin 18:427 |
99.20% |
chr11:222938 |
CD121675 |
c.27delC |
DM |
Thalassaemia alpha |
Tang (2012) Hemoglobin 36:192 |
99.20% |
chr11:222939 |
CM1310300 |
c.28A>T |
DM |
Thalassaemia alpha |
Yao (2013) Gene 532:120 |
99.20% |
chr11:222940 |
CM020945 |
c.29A>G |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Troxler (2002) Biochem Biophys Res Commun 292:1044 |
99.20% |
chr11:222941 |
CM020944 |
c.30C>G |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Hoyer (2002) Hemoglobin 26:175 |
99.20% |
chr11:222948 |
CM1515738 |
c.37G>C |
DM |
Anaemia, hypochromic microcytic |
Farashi (2015) Hemoglobin 39:398 |
99.20% |
chr11:222949 |
CM940901 |
c.38C>A |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Molchanova (1994) Br J Haematol 88:300 |
99.20% |
chr11:222957 |
CD150815 |
c.41_46delCCTGGG |
DM |
Thalassaemia alpha intermedia |
Kattamis (2015) Hemoglobin 39:55 |
99.20% |
chr11:222954 |
CM830035 |
c.43T>C |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Moo-Penn (1983) Biochim Biophys Acta 747:65 |
99.20% |
chr11:222957 |
CM1310301 |
c.46G>A |
DM |
Thalassaemia alpha |
Yao (2013) Gene 532:120 |
99.20% |
chr11:222960 |
CM940902 |
c.49A>G |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Molchanova (1994) Br J Haematol 88:300 |
99.20% |
chr11:222962 |
CM820015 |
c.51G>T |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Liang (1982) Hemoglobin 6:629 |
99.20% |
chr11:222963 |
CM169994 |
c.52G>T |
DM |
Thalassaemia alpha |
Yang (2016) Hemoglobin 40:264 |
99.20% |
chr11:222966 |
CM1212400 |
c.55G>C |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Griffiths (1977) FEBS Lett 75:93 |
99.20% |
chr11:222967 |
CM1414884 |
c.56G>A |
DM |
Haemoglobinopathy, beta |
Hassan (2014) Hemoglobin 38:422 |
99.20% |
chr11:222967 |
CD102836 |
c.56delG |
DM |
Thalassaemia alpha |
Al-Gazali (2010) Hum Mutat 31:505 |
99.20% |
chr11:222971 |
CD033199 |
c.60delG |
DM |
Thalassaemia alpha |
Harteveld (2003) Am J Hematol 74:99 |
99.20% |
chr11:222972 |
CM004608 |
c.61C>G |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Prehu (2000) Hemoglobin 24:305 |
99.20% |
chr11:222974 |
CM940903 |
c.63C>A |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Molchanova (1994) Br J Haematol 88:300 |
99.20% |
chr11:222975 |
CM077578 |
c.64G>T |
DM? |
Thalassaemia alpha |
Harteveld (2007) Hemoglobin 31:325 |
99.20% |
chr11:222975 |
CM890288 |
c.64G>C |
DM |
Haemoglobin variant |
Wajcman (1989) Hemoglobin 13:421 |
Background information
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