Specifications leukocyte adhesion deficiency NGS panel
The LAD AmpliSeq Panel v1 (IAD69604_201) exists of 74 amplicons and is covering 19 Kbase. 100% of desired areas (exons with in general 5 base exon padding) are covered in the design that includes the following five genes: ITGB2, SLC35C1, FERMT3, CALDAG-GEFI and RAC2. There has been described one pathogenic deletion in CALDAG-GEFI at c.814-16_814-5del12. This position, just outside the 5 bases of exon padding, is also included in the panel.
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Coverage of the LAD Ampliseq Panel
The percentage of target bases that is covered at least 20 times is at least 96.7% for the recommended Mapped Reads of 250,000. If necessary we can achieve a 100% 20x coverage of the whole panel.
Read more about the technique and reporting in the background information.
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