The DIS data may provide answers to many research questions that cannot all be analysed by our research team. Potential research questions may include but are not limited to blood donation-related issues. We happily invite interested researchers to contact us in order to find out if we can help them answer their research questions.
DIS provides a unique opportunity to study questions in fields like public health, social sciences, epidemiology, (bio) statistics and haematology. Benefits of the study set-up are that a) many repeated measurements with different intervals are available from the donor database and b) additional data can be obtained relatively easily because (still donating) participants return to donation centres and are generally very willing to participate in research.
Would you like to make use of our DIS data or collaborate with us? Let us know by submitting the proposal for analyses form below and we will contact you. You can also contact us if you have questions.
Proposal for collaboration
Please use this form if you are interested in collaboration on our DIS data set.