Thesis defense Joost van Sambeeck
Optimal red blood cell matchingOn 9 December 2020 Joost van Sambeeck defended his thesis 'Optimal red blood cell matching' at Twente University .
Promotores: Prof NM van Dijk PhD and prof WLAM de Kort MD PhD
Copromotor: MP Janssen PhD
Venue: online
Over the past years, extended antigen matching has become standard practice for some transfusion recipients and has proven to reduce alloimmunization risks. Inexpensive molecular typing has the potential to provide comprehensive antigen matched red blood cell units to all transfusion recipients. It will alleviate unnecessary suffering which can result from the currently applied one-size-fits-all approach and will reduce the costs of treatment by eliminating unintended side-effects
By applying Operations Research techniques, we show that inventory issuing policies can be improved and evaluate the practical feasibility of comprehensive antigen matching. The developed mathematical models are applied to case studies executed at the Dutch blood bank Sanquin.