Theses 2020
Due to Corona-virus measures some defenses will take place on-line only. Please check the university website for last minute changes.
PhD student | Date | Title | University |
Joost van Sambeeck | 9 December 2020 | Optimal red blood cell matching | Twente Unversity (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science) |
Steven Heshusius | 2 December 2020 | Switching Gear: Hemoglobin switching throughout erythropoiesis | Erasmus University Rotterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Dacia Henriquez | 1 December 2020 | Recognition and management of persistent postpartum haemorrhage; time to take timing seriously | Leiden University (Faculty of Medicine) |
Marten Hansen | 25 November 2020 | In vitro blood production from induced pluripotent stem cells | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Francesca Aglialoro | 6 November 2020 | The bright and DARC side of detection: Role of membrane proteins during erythroid maturation |
University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Annemarie van de Geer | 5 November 2020 | Neutrophil defects and deficiencies | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Rosa de Groot | 4 November 2020 | Associations of environmental characteristics and lifestyle behaviours with donor blood parameters. | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Faculty of Social Sciences) |
Marlijn Verwimp-Hoeks | 3 November 2020 | Red Blood Cell Transfusions in Hemato-oncological Patients: Don’t iron out the consequences | Leiden University (Faculty of Medicine) |
Louise Treffers | 26 October 2020 | Modulation of antibody-dependent cancer cell destruction by neutrophils | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Malgorzata Przeradzka | 26 October 2020 | ‘Le charme discret’ of the Von Willebrand factor - factor VIII complex | Utrecht University (Faculty of Science) |
Tiffany Timmer | 13 October 2020 | The role of genes and lifestyle behaviors in iron and erythrocyte parameters in blood donors | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Felix Behr | 9 October 2020 | To settle or wander: Transcriptional regulation and recall responses of tissue-resident memory T cells | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Eelke Béguin | 7 October 2020 | Beneath the surface - Cellular responses in the vasculature | Utrecht University (Faculty of Science) |
Lisa Klinkenberg | 6 October 2020 | Engaging African ethnic minorities as blood donors | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Tjeerd Piersma | 8 September 2020 | Blood donor careers: A dynamic approach to donating blood | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Faculty of Social Sciences) |
Benoit Nicolet | 3 September 2020 | You only live twice: Gene expression regulation in hematopoiesis and T cells | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Julian Freen-van Heeren | 10 June 2020 | FISHing out the good guys: enhancing T cell effector function | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Peter-Paul Unger | 30 April 2020 | B Cells and Beyond: Regulation of human B cell differentiation and antibody formation. | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Science) |
Ellie Karampini | 24 April 2020 | Weibel-Palade Body Formation and Release: an Odyssey through the Secretory Pathway | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Maike van Hezel | 28 February 2020 | Effect of red cell transfusion on the host immune response in critically ill patients | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Nigel Stapleton | 21 February 2020 | To bind or not to bind: A study into FcRn interactions | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Suzanne Gunnink | 31 January 2020 | Not all that glitters is gold – platelet transfusions for preterm neonates | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Yvonne Dorland | 21 January 2020 | Crosstalk in the bone marrow. Interactions of endothelial, hematopoietic and mesenchymal stromal cells | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Willem Falkenburg | 16 January 2020 | Rheumatoid Factors | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |