
Theses 2017

Within Sanquin around 80 PhD students are working on a thesis. In most cases Sanquin Researchers that hold a professorship at one of the Dutch universities act as supervisor/promotor.

Most PhD students follow courses at those universities, as part of their research training. Sanquin researchers also contribute to these courses. Each year, around 15 PhD theses are defended.


PhD student Date Title University
Doothea Evers 19 December 2017
'Clinical Determinants of red cell alloimmunization: implications for preventative antigen matching strategies' Leiden University (Faculty of Medicine)
Sem van Brummelen 14 December 2017
'Bloody fast blood collection' Twente Unversity (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science)
Eduard Ebberink 11 December 2017 'Footprinting haemostatic networks' Utrecht University (Faculty of Science)
Gillian Dekkers 1 December 2017 'Influence of immunoglobulin G-glycan and subclass variation on antibody effector functions' University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Camilla Caram Deelder 30 Novemver 2017 'The bright and the dark side of blood transfusion: Turning data into knowledge' Leiden University (Faculty of Medicine)
Maurits Hoogerwerf 1 November 2017  'Giving blood: donor stress and hemostasis. Don't let your blood run cold' University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Karin van Schie 12 October 2017 Immunogenicity of therapeutic antibodies: Immunological mechanisms & clinical consequences University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Science)
Myrthe Sonneveld 22 September 2017
 'IgG-Fc-glycosylation in immune-mediated cytopenias' University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Charles Lelkens 30 June 2017
'Frozen Red Cells for Military and Civil Purposes. Relevance, Experiences and Developments' University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Loan van Hoeven 29 Juni 2017
'Transfusion data: from collection to reflection' Utrecht University (Faculty of Medicine)
Marein Schimmel 20 June 2017 'Sickle cell disease: pathogenesis and biomarkers' University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Robin Hartholt 9 June 2017 'Determining factors of inhibitor formation in hemophilia A' University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Felipe Vieira Braga 8 June 2017 'Transcriptional control of cytotoxic lymphocytes: an unexpected journey with Hobit' University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Fabian Verbij 19 April 2017 ‘Immune recognition of ADAMTS13 in acquired TTP’ University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Sietse Nagelkerke 12 April 2017 'A field guide to human Fc-gamma receptors: genetics, cellular expression and interaction with immunoglobulins' University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Niels Heemskerk 10 February 2017 'Leukocyte trafficking and vascular integrity' University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Science)
Gerben Marsman 12 January 2017
‘Factor VII-activating protease: Unraveling the release and regulation of dead cell nuclear damps’ University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)

External theses

Theses from non-Sanquin researchers where Sanquin researchers act as (co)promotor

Rens Braster. Manipulating macrophages: increasing the effectiveness in anti-cancer therapy.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 2 February 2017.
Promotores: Prof M. van Egmond MD PhD, prof R.H.J. Beelen MD PhD;
copromotor: G. Vidarsson PhD


Ilse (EN) Rooyackers: Migrant family matters. Comparing patterns of intergenerational solidarity and partner separation in the Netherlands

University of Groningen. 5 October 2017
Promotor: Prof HAG de Valk PhD
Copromotor: EM Merz, PhD