
Theses 2019

Within Sanquin around 75 PhD students are working on a thesis. In most cases Sanquin Researchers that hold a professorship at one of the Dutch universities act as supervisor/promotor.

Most PhD students follow courses at those universities, as part of their research training. Sanquin researchers also contribute to these courses. Each year, around 15 PhD theses are defended.


PhD student Date Title University
Margit Boshuizen 18 December 2019

Modulating iron metabolism in anemia of inflammation in the critically ill

University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Dian Winkelhorst 26 November 2019 Fetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia evidence based screening Leiden University (Faculty of Medicine)
Anna van Beek 27 September 2019 Factor H family proteins in health and infectious disease University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Ada Gillissen 11 September 2019 Towards better prognostic and diagnostic strategies for Major Obstetric Haemorrhage Leiden University (Faculty of Medicine)
Sanne Meinderts 28 June 2019 When it’s not a match; cellular and genetic factors in alloantibody-mediated red blood cell clearance Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Marieke Goedhart 27 June 2019 The vascular bone marrow niche as immunological and hematopoietic hotspot University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Maaike Schillemans 20 June 2019 Weibel-Palade body logistics: express delivery in the vasculature University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Ido Bontekoe 12 June 2019 Optimization of blood component preparation: Processing and donor influence University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Esther Hogervorst 4 June 2019 Blood transfusion in cardiac surgery:‘Primum non nocere Leiden University (Faculty of Medicine)
Djuna de Back 14 May 2019 Red blood cells, far more than oxygen transporters alone University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Anne Cornelissen 7 May 2019 'The Versatility of ​Mesenchymal Stromal Cells - Means for Optimization University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Sanne van de Bovenkamp 7 May 2019 The role of variable domain glycosylation of antibodies in immunity University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Science)
Sulima Geerman 17 April 2019 Localization, phenotype and function of CD8+ T cells in the bone marrow University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Maaike Rijkers 29 March 2019 Challenges in platelet transfusion; from storage to alloimmunization University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Christine Bruggeman 22 March 2019 Expression and function of Fc-gamma receptors; Binding of Immunoglobulin G and its glycoforms University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)
Carolien Zwiers 12 March 2019 Hemolytc disease of the fetus and the newborn Leiden University (Faculty of Medicine)
Astrid Thielen 11 January 2019 Regulation of complement activation on red blood cells University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine)