Theses 2016
Within Sanquin around 80 PhD students are working on a thesis. In most cases Sanquin Researchers that hold a professorship at one of the Dutch universities act as supervisor/promotor.
Most PhD students follow courses at those universities, as part of their research training. Sanquin researchers also contribute to these courses. Each year, around 15 PhD theses are defended.
PhD student | Date | Title | University |
Anna Daniel | 5 February 2016 | In sickness and in health”. Regulation of junctional integrity in Inflamed and healthy endothelial cells | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Science) |
Mark van der Garde | 9 February 2016 | Different strategies to improve the use of umbilical cord and cord blood for hematopoietic and other regenerative cell therapies | Leiden University (Faculty of Medicine) |
Maarten van de Klundert | 16 February 2016 | On the molecular biology of the hepatitis B virus X protein | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Katka Szilagyi | 26 February 2016 | Role of Inflammation in Development of Atherosclerosis | Vrije Universiteit (Faculty of Medicine) |
Esther van Wezel | 28 April 2016 | 'Minimal residual disease monitoring in neuroblastoma' | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Anne Wevers | 17 May 2016 | 'Blood, sweat and fears: understanding and influencing blood donor behaviour' | Radboud University Nijmegen (Faculty of Social Sciences) |
Welling Oei | 21 June 2016 | 'Modelling the risk of emerging infections for blood transfusion' | Utrecht University (Faculty of Medicine) |
Reindert Emmens | 5 July 2016 | ‘The inflammatory response in myocarditis and acute myocardial infarction’ | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Sciences) |
Roel Gazendam | 28 September 2016 | 'Neutrophil microbial killing mechanisms. Lessons learned from primary immunodeficiencies' | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Tamara Stegmann | 29 September 2016 | 'Immune responses to red blood cell antigens' | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Elena Kostova | 5 October 2016 | ‘TRUE BLOOD. From storage to immune adherence clearance’ | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Ryanne Lieshout-Krikke | 29 November 2016 | ‘Residual infectious risks in blood transfusion’ | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
Eva Rombout-Sestrienkova | 8 December 2016 | ‘Erythrocytapheresis, a treatment modality in hereditary hemochromatosis’ | Maastricht University (Faculty of Medicine) |
Florentine Thurik | 8 December 2016 | ‘Cell-free placental DNA beyond Down syndrome - Lessons learned from fetal RHD genotyping’ | University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Medicine) |
External theses
Theses from non-Sanquin researchers where Sanquin researchers act as (co)promotor
Louis Jansen. Virus-Host Interplay in Chronic Hepatitis B. Predicting Response to Immunomodulating Antiviral Therapy.
- University of Amsterdam. 15 January 2016
- Promotores: Prof HL Zaaijer PhD and prof UHW Beuers PhD;
- copromotor: HW Reesink PhD and NA Kootstra PhD
Anniki de Niet. New Treatment Strategies for Chronic Hepatitis B. Viral, Genetic and Immunological Factors Predicting Treatment Outcome.
- University of Amsterdam. 2 February 2016
- Promotores: Prof HL Zaaijer PhD and prof UHW Beuers PhD;
- copromotor: HW Reesink PhD and NA Kootstra PhD
Kirsten Hertoghs. In search of a master regulator of cytotoxicity: Transcriptional control of cytolytic effector function in human lymphocytes.
- University of Amsterdam. 20 February 2016
- Promotores: Prof RAW van Lier PhD;
- copromotor: KPJM van Gisbergen PhD
Alice van Velzen. INSIGHT in risk factors and treatment of inhibitors in nonsevere hemophilia A.
- University of Amsterdam. 7 juli 2016
- Promotores: Prof CJ Fijnvandraat MD PhD and prof TW Kuijpers MD PhD;
- copromotor: M Peters PhD
Marleen Straat. Unexpected effect of transfusion in the critically ill.
- University of Amsterdam. 8 juli 2016
- Promotores: Prof MB Vroom MD PhD;
- copromotor: prof NP Juffermans MD PhD and R van Bruggen PhD
Kazem Nasserinejad. Modeling Longitudinal Data of Blood Donors.
- Erasmus University Rotterdam. 9 September 2016
- Promotores: Prof EMEH Lesaffre and prof WLAM. de Kort;
- copromotor: JM van van Rosmalen PhD
Michiel van Aalderen. The individuality of (virus-specific) CD8+ T cells.
- University of Amsterdam. 28 oktober 2016
- Promotores: Prof RJM ten Berge MD PhD and prof RAW van Lier MD PhD
Katja MJ Heitink-Polle. Pediatric Immune Thrombocytopenia: To treat or not to treat.
- Utrecht University. 17 November 2016
- Promotores: Prof EES Nieuwenhuis PhD and prof M de Haas PhD;
- copromotor: MCA Bruin PhD