

Regulation of human B cell differentiation

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Chapter 1

General lntroduction

Chapter 2

Optimized Protocols for ln-Vitro T cell-Dependent And T cell-Independent Activation for 8-Cell Differentiation Studies Using Limited Cells abstract

Chapter 3

Flow Cytometric Methods for the Detection of lntracellular Signaling Proteins and Transcription Factors Reveal Heterogeneity in Differentiating Human B Cell Subsets abstract

Chapter 4

Soluble FAS ligand enhances suboptimal CD40L/IL-21-mediated human memory B cell differentiation into antibody-secreting cells abstract

Chapter 5

Termination of CD40L co-stimulation promotes human B cell differentiation into antibody-secreting cells abstract

Chapter 6

Oxygen level is a critical driver of human B cell differentiation and lgG class switch recombination abstract

Chapter 7

Summarizing discussion