Innate killers at work: Strategies to exploit neutrophils for cancer treatmentDownload thesis from university repository (when available)
Chapter 1
General Introduction
Chapter 2
Plasticity in pro- and anti-tumor activity of neutrophils: Shifting the balance abstract
Chapter 3
G-CSF as a suitable alternative to GM-CSF to boost dinutuximab-mediated neutrophil cytotoxicity in neuroblastoma treatment abstract
Chapter 4
CD47-SIRPα Checkpoint Inhibition Enhances Neutrophil-Mediated Killing of Dinutuximab-Opsonized Neuroblastoma Cells abstract
Chapter 5
FcαR-bearing CAR NB4 neutrophils display built-in antigen-specific cytotoxic activity towards solid tumor targets
Chapter 6
Humanized MISTRG as a preclinical in vivo model to study human neutrophil-mediated immune processes abstract
Chapter 7
General Discussion