Downlaod thesis from university repository (when available)

Chapter 1


Chapter 2

The added value of lactate and lactate clearance in prediction of in-hospita! mortality in critically ill patients with sepsis abstract 

Chapter 3

Prediction of in-hospita! mortality in critically ill patients with sepsis: confirmation of the added value of 24-hour lactate to APACHE IV abstract

Chapter 4

Study protocol and pilot results of the INsufficient Oxygenation in the Intensive Care Unit (INOX ICU-2) study abstract

Chapter 5

Description of mitochondria! oxygen tension and its variability in healthy volunteers abstract

Chapter 6

latrogenic anemia: an underestimated and solvable problem in the intensive care unit

Chapter 7

Mitochondria! oxygen tension in critically ill patients receiving red blood cell transfusions: a multicenter observational cohort study abstract

Chapter 8
