AINAR: Artificial Intelligence for Needle Anxiety ReductionDownload thesis from university repository (when available)
Chapter 1
General introduction
Chapter 2
Virtual blood donation using facial thermal image analysis
Based on Rudokaite et al, Transfusion, 62(4), 838-847
Chapter 3
Predicting vasovagal reactions from anticipatory facial temperature profiles
Based on Rudokaite et al, Sci Rep, 13(1): 9667
Chapter 4
Predicting vasovagal reactions from anticipatory facial action units
Based on Rudokaite et al, J Clin Med, 12(4): 1644
Chapter 5
Predicting vasovagal reactions using pre-donation facial video data
Based on Rudokaite et al, IEEE 18th Int Confer Autom Face Gesture Recognition 1:10
Chapter 6
Predicting vasovagal reactions from video using 2D-CNN with GRU and LSTM
Chapter 7
Predicting vasovagal reactions from mobile video data
Chapter 8
Game development
Chapter 9