

Data-driven donation strategies - Understanding and Predicting Blood Donor Deferral

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Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3

First results of a ferritin-based blood donor deferral policy in the Netherlands abstract

Chapter 4

Individual and environmental determinants of serum ferritin levels: a structural equation model

Chapter 5

Challenges and limitations in clustering blood donor hemoglobin trajectories

Chapter 6

Associations between symptoms, donor characteristics and IgG antibody response in 2082 COVID-19 convalescent plasma donors abstract

Chapter 7

Explainable hemoglobin deferral predictions using machine learning models: interpretation and consequences for the blood supply abstract

Chapter 8

An international comparison of hemoglobin deferral prediction model for blood banking

Chapter 9

The added value of ferritin levels and genetic markers for the prediction of hemoglobin deferral abstract

Chapter 10

Conclusions, general discussion and anticipated future research