

Where white blood cells wander: homing in on leukocyte extravasation hotspots

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Chapter 1

General introduction
Chapter 2

Neutrophil transendothelial migration hotspots: mechanisms and implications abstract

Chapter 3

Endothelial transmigration hotspots limit vascular leakage through heterogeneous expression of ICAM-1 abstract

Chapter 4

ICAM-2 regulates diapedesis hotspots by allowing neutrophil crawling against the direction of flow abstract

Chapter 5

Primary adhered neutrophils increase JNK1-MARCKSL1-mediated filopodia to promote secondary neutrophil transmigration abstract

Chapter 6

The endothelium functions as an immune modulator between the innate and adaptive immune systems by triggering neutrophil induced CXCL12 translation to promote CD8+ T cell extravasation

Chapter 7

Exploring heterogeneity within the endothelial monolayer

Chapter 8

Blocking IL-6 reduces COVID-19-induced vascular hyperinflammation by inhibiting leukocyte extravasation across pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells

Chapter 9

General discussion