

From solid roots to rustling leaves: E-cadherin and β-catenin across the branches of hematopoiesis in evolution

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Chapter 1

General introduction
Chapter 2

E-cadherin expression distinguishes mouse from human hematopoiesis in the basophil and erythroid lineages abstract

Chapter 3

E-cadherin/β-catenin expression is conserved in human and rat erythropoiesis and marks stress erythropoiesis abstract

Chapter 4

Expression of wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway components in the human erythroid lineage 

Chapter 5

Canonical wnt: a safeguard and threat for erythropoiesis abstract

Chapter 6

Anemia links β-catenin with FOX03 signaling du ring erythroid terminal differentiation 

Chapter 7

General discussion