Pakistan Blood Transfusion Services Project
Financed by the German GIZ and in cooperation with GFA, Consulting Services is involved in the establishment of the blood transfusion services in Pakistan.
the establishment of the blood transfusion services in Pakistan (SBTP ,formerly NBTP)
Country involved
- Pakistan
Consulting Services is involved in the establishment of the blood transfusion services in Pakistan. The Pakistan Blood Transfusion Services are not organized or regulated on a consistent basis. According to estimates there are up to 450 blood banks operating independently under state or private sponsorship, without uniformity, quality standards or regulations.
The level of traning of staff entrusted with blood transfusion varies considerably between different blood transfusion services. Blood products of inadequate quality are administered and in some cases are even infected. Preventing infection with diseases like HIV / AIDS, hepatitis B and C, by using safe products for transfusion can curb the need for costly long-term treatment of those infected and reduce the suffering of patients.
The WHO recommends setting up a blood donoation system based on voluntary donors, as these are amongst the safest blood donors. Concepts for recruiting voluntary, unrecompensated blood donors do exist, but so far has only proved possible to be partly implemented and not on a sustainable base. Improving the blood donation service will in particular benefit poor and disadvantaged populations groups.
Services provided by SCS
Voluntary Non Renumerated Blood Donors (VNRBD)
Consulting Services supports the development of institutional capacity to design a need based approach to recruit Voluntary Non Renumerated Blood Donors (VNRBD) under the new blood donor policy:
Visiting various blood donor organizations (e.g. Quaidian Blood Donor Society) and social science faculties to assess the existing potential and capacity development requirements.
Pretest of KAP survey questionnaire which will allow the NBTP to collect more information on donors and non-donors and to develop a profile of young people to be addressed in future awareness campaigns.
Clinical use of blood
Three day workshop to promote appropriate clinical use of blood for clinicians and experts in blood transfusion services in Islamabad.
A core group of facilitators was formed for the development promotion and dissemination of the guidelines on clinical use of blood and planning of the establishment of Hospital Transfusion Committees.
Support to the development of training modules and training workshops on TTI Testing Strategies
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