Twinning project Capacity Building Suriname Red Cross-Blood Bank
The Suriname Red Cross and Sanquin Consulting Services collaborate in the Twinning project Capacity Improvement of the National Blood Bank of the Suriname Red Cross.
Focus and background
The Twinning facility Suriname-Nederland UTSN is a foundation for collaboration between societal organizations in Suriname and The Netherlands. It is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.
In 2014 the collaborative project proposal for Capacity Improvement of the National Blood Bank of the Suriname Red Cross was approved by UTSN and awarded to SCO and Suriname Red Cross Blood Bank.
In 2013 the Suriname Blood Bank has moved to a new building with accompanying new facilities and equipment. This Twinning project is meant for capacity building and aims to contribute to knowledge transfer by means of education and training of blood bank employees. It includes building of a sustainable training program for NBB, in order to improve quality of blood products and services. Strengthening the internal organization as well as efficiency and improvement of effectiveness is also part of the project.
Project partner
In this project SCO is collaborating with the National Blood Bank of the Suriname Red Cross.
Duration of the project: 2 years, started in August 2014.
A program for training and education activities includes the following fields in the blood transfusion chain:
- Donor recruitment and retention
- Blood collection
- Blood processing
- Testing
- Information technology/ICT
- Management in the blood transfusion chain
- Appropriate Clinical Use of Blood
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