News & Highlights
Awards for researchers Donor Studies- At the European Conference on Donor Health and Management 2016 (ECDHM) both Katja van den Hurk and Lisanne Huis in ‘t Veld received awards.
Katja received the award for the best oral presentation. In fact, she was awarded this way for both her presentations: first, on ‘Invasive and non-invasive haemoglobin assessment: precision and practicability evaluated in the Netherlands - the HAPPEN study’; and second, ‘Associations of health status with donation cessation - an alternative perspective on the Healthy Donor Effect from Donor InSight’. Lisanne was awarded for being one of the four ‘Best Abstracts’. This award implied giving an oral presentation in the final plenary session. Her abstract was titled: ‘Determinants of blood donation willingness in the European Union’. In total six presentations were given by researchers from Sanquin’s Donor Studies department.
The second ECDHM, held at Homerton College, Cambridge (UK), is the continuation of the first ECDHM organized by Sanquin in 2014 (The Hague). The third ECDHM will be held in Copenhagen in 2018. (July 2016)
- Read Katja van den Hurk's Research blog on Sanquin talks
- A personalized approach to donation prevents deferrals and keeps the donor healthy. (October 2014)
- Wim de kort appointed professor of Donor Health Care
As from 2 March 2014, Wim de Kort MD PhD is appointed as professor of Donor Medicine at the University of Amsterdam (Academic Medical Centre, Dept Public Health). This is the first-ever chair in Donor Health Care world-wide.
De Kort's research will focus on substances of human origin, especially blood, realizing an adequate donor population and the development of risk-based donor selection. The focus of education is the training of donor physicians. (March 2014)
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