Donor Studies project
Donor Studies projects: Donor Health
- BDDH: Big Data Donor Health
- DIS: Donor InSight
- FIND+: Ferritin measurement in new whole blood donors
- FIND’EM: Ferritin measurement in donors - effectivity of iron monitoring to diminish iron deficiency and low haemoglobin
- FORTE: Ferritin-guided iron supplementation in whole blood donors
- SUPPLY: Strengthening voluntary non-remunerated plasma collection capacity in Europe
Donor Studies projects: Donor Behaviour
- Donor careers
- Donor Deferral Management: preventing donor loss
- DONORS: understanding, explaining and predicting donor behaviour
- Facilitators and barriers for RhD-immunised women to become and remain anti-D donor
- IDEAL: Improving diversity and equity among patients living with hemoglobinopathies
- Learning to Donate
- Plasma Only Please!
- Social media and blood donor behaviour
- SUPPLY: Strengthening voluntary non-remunerated plasma collection capacity in Europe
- TRACER: Treating hereditary anaemias through stem cell research
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