Blood donors are deferred when their haemoglobin (Hb) levels fall below the required threshold. These Hb levels are mainly determined using capillary finger prick tests, known for significant variability caused by the measurement process. Besides this measurement variability, there is also natural biological variability which influences the Hb level that is used to determine donor eligibility. To improve donor management, it's crucial to understand this biological variability among donors for accurate interpretation of Hb test results. We aim to quantify the precision and accuracy of both current and novel Hb measurement methods used in blood banks. While current methods require a finger prick or venipuncture, two new non-invasive zero-waste methods—nail scans and retina scans—are being evaluated. By gathering more precise and accurate data on various biomarkers measurement methods from a selected group of donors, we can determine the best Hb measurement methods for donors. In addition, donor recovery will be monitored and modelled in order to improve individualized donor management strategies.
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