

Chapter 1 General introduction

Chapter 2 Cross‐reactive and pre‐existing antibodies to therapeutic antibodies: Effects on treatment and immunogenicity abstract

Chapter 3 Therapeutic TNF Inhibitors can Differentially Stabilize Trimeric TNF by Inhibiting Monomer Exchange abstract

Chapter 4 The antibody response against human and chimeric anti‐TNF therapeutic antibodies primarily targets the TNF binding region abstract

Chapter 5 Neutralizing capacity of monoclonal and polyclonal anti‐natalizumab antibodies: The immune response to antibody therapeutics preferentially targets the antigen‐binding site abstract

Chapter 6 Infusion reactions during infliximab treatment are not associated with IgE anti‐infliximab antibodies abstract

Chapter 7 Complexes of drug and anti‐drug antibodies cause limited immune activation due to a restricted anti‐idiotype response.

Chapter 8 Summarizing discussion
