Chapter 1
General introduction
Chapter 2
Design of a national blood transfusion data warehouse from donor to recipient. BMJ Open 2016;6(8):e010962
Chapter 3
Validation of multisource electronic health record data: an application to blood transfusion data.
Chapter 4
Why was this transfusion given? Identifying clinical indications for blood transfusion in health care data.
Chapter 5
Aiming for a representative sample: Simulating random versus non-probabilistic strategies for hospital selection.
BMC Med Res Methodol. 2015 Oct 23;15:90
Chapter 6
Historical time trends in red cell component usage in the Netherlands.
Chapter 7
Prediction of the anti-RhD donor population size for managerial decision making.
Vox Sang. 2016 Aug;111(2):171-7
Chapter 8
General discussion