Chapter 1
General introduction
Chapter 2
Rho-GTPase signaling in leukocyte extravasation. An endothelial point of view.
Cell Adh Migr 2014; 8(2):67-75
Chapter 3
Annexin A2 limits neutrophil transendothelial migration by organizing the spatial distribution of ICAM-1.
J Immunol 2016; 196(6):2767-78
Chapter 4
F-actin-rich contractile endothelial pores prevent vascular leakage during leukocyte diapedesis through local RhoA signaling.
Nat Commun 2016; 7:10493
Chapter 5
A local VE-cadherin/Trio-based signaling complex stabilizes endothelial junctions through Rac1.
J Cell Sci 2015; 128(16):3041-54
Chapter 6
Specific regulation of permeability during leukocyte TEM by RhoGEFs and GAPs
Chapter 7
Summery and concluding remarks