Chapter 1
General Introduction and scope of the thesis
Chapter 2
Haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn.
Vox Sang 2015; 109(2):99-113.
Chapter 3
Noninvasive prenatal blood group and HPA-1a genotyping: the current European experience.
Transfusion 2013; 53(11 Suppl 2):2834-6.
Chapter 4
Sensitivity of foetal RHD screening for safe guidance of targeted anti-D immunoglobulin prophylaxis: a prospective cohort study of a nation-wide programme in the Netherlands.
Chapter 5
Analysis of false-positive results of fetal RHD typing in a national screening program reveals vanishing twins as potential cause for discrepancy.
Prenat Diagn 2015; 35(8):754-60.
Chapter 6
Fetal RHD genotyping after bone marrow transplantation.
Transfusion. 2016; 56(8):2122-6.
Chapter 7
Third trimester cell-free placental DNA levels, placental health and pregnancy outcome: a prospective observational cohort study.
Chapter 8
Absolute first trimester cell-free DNA levels and their associations with adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Chapter 9
No association between first and third trimester cell-free placental DNA levels in maternal blood.
Chapter 10
General Discussion
Chapter 11