Chapter 1
Part A: Ranking the risk of emerging infections for blood safety
Chapter 2
A consensus-based tool for ranking the risk of blood transmissible infections.
Accepted for publication in Transfusion.
Chapter 3
Insight in ‘calculated risk’: An application to the prioritization of emerging infectious diseases for blood transfusion safety.
Submitted to Risk Analysis.
Part B: Quantification of the risk of emerging infection transmission through blood transfusion
Chapter 4
Modelling the transmission of emerging infectious diseases through blood transfusion.
Transfusion 2013; 53(7):1421-8.
Chapter 4a
Appendix of the Modelling the transmission of emerging infectious disease through blood transfusion: Assessing the quantitative risk of infectious diseases to blood safety –evaluation of the European Up-Front Risk Assessment Tool (EUFRAT).
Chapter 5
Modelling the risk of transfusion transmission from travelling donors.
BMC Infect Dis 2016; 16(1):143.
Part C: Travel behaviour of Dutch blood donors
Chapter 6
Travel behaviour and deferral of Dutch blood donors: consequences for donor availability.
Transfusion 2015; 55(1):79-85.
Part D: Estimating the risk of emerging infection transmission for the Dutch blood supply
Chapter 7
Estimating the transfusion transmission risk of Q fever.
Transfusion 2014; 54(7):1705-11.
Chapter 8
Estimating the risk of dengue transmission from Dutch blood donors travelling to Suriname and the Dutch Caribbean.
Vox Sanguinis 2016 Jan 14 [Epub ahead of print]
Chapter 9
General discussion