Complement activation defects in pediatric oncology patients: hidden factors contributing to the increased risk of infectionPart I
General introduction
Chapter 1
Introduction (published as: Restoration of MBL-deficiency: redefining the safety, efficacy and viability of MBL-substitution therapy)
Scope and outline of the thesis
Part II
Basic research: an ex-vivo approach
Chapter 2
Substitution of MBL-deficient serum with recombinant MBL results in the formation of new MBL/MASP complexes
Chapter 3
Plasma-derived mannose-binding lectin shows a direct interaction with C1-inhibitor
Chapter 4
TFPI inhibits lectin pathway of complement activation by direct interaction with MASP-2
Part III
Clinical studies: from bench to bedside
Chapter 5
The High Prevalence of Functional Complement Defects Induced by Chemotherapy
Chapter 6
Asparaginase inhibits the lectin pathway of complement activation
Part IV
Summarizing discussion
Chapter 7
Summarizing discussion and future perspective